Dry Erase Calendar

Dry erase calendar could be made by yourself if you want to have a convenient tool for messages and also reminder because by using it, it is easy to be purchased, but however you could apply it one at home. To create it you will need the main tools you have to prepare at the beginning such as white poster board, rubber cement, and also picture frame with glass. Here are the steps for you.
First, you have to remove the glass and also cardboard backing that is from your picture frame and to attach the poster board to the cardboard backing, you will need to use rubber cement. Second, by using pencil and a yardstick, you could make vertical line. Make it across the poster board. It is needed for you to make five rows with seven columns. Make sure that you already measured in order to create each row and column that is equal in size within the other columns and row. Remember that there will be at least 4 inches left for both top and bottom of the poster board for dry erase calendar. Use your pencil to draw lines within permanent marker. Later, you need to erase the pencil marks within an eraser in order to avoid a messy background on your calendar.
The next step you need to do is by drawing a line that is at the top of your poster board in the center and then for the length of the line, it should be 1/3 of the length from your grid. Place adhesive letter of “Month” at the left of the line you made. Another adhesive letter that you need to write to represent the days is under each column such as place letter”S” for Sunday. Next, draw small circle or box that is at the top of the right side for each square that is present in your grid as the area where you will write your dates for each month. That is why you need to make it large enough so that you could write at least two numbers. Now, it is the time to put your frame back together and keep in mind that the glass on the picture frame could be written by using dry erase markers and could be erased at the end of the month there. You could reuse the design again and again since the grid and lettering on the poster board will remain you intact of dry erase calendar.