Islamic Calendar

Islamic calendar is reckoned from the day after the emigration of prophet Momammed from Mecca to Madina. This emigration called Hegira or Hijra in arabic language. Therefore the Islamic Calendar also known as Hijri Calendar. The Islamic calendar used by all muslim around the world to determine the Islamic holidays and islamic observances.

The Months
The Islamic Calendar consist of 12 Lunar months. The months are named as follows;
1. Muharram
2. Safar
3. Rabiul Awwal
4. Rabi Al Tsani
5. Jumadil Ula
6. Jumadil Tsani
7. Rajab
8. Sya'ban
9. Ramadhan
10. Shawwal
11. Dhul Qa'da
12. Dhul Hijjah
Ramadhan is the most venerated and sacred month for the Muslims. At the month of Ramadhan, Muslims are doing fasting. They are required to abstain form eating, drinking, and having sexual intercourse during the daylght hours.

The Days of the Week
The islamic calendar consist of 354 or 355 days. A week in Islamic Calendar, consist of 7 days as in the Gregorian Calendar. The difference just in the name of the day.
The days are named as follows;
Yaumul Ahad / Sunday
Yaumul iTsnayn / Monday
Yaumuts Tsulatsa' / Tuesday
Yaumul Arba'a / Wednesday
Yaumul Khamis    / Thursday
Yaumul Jumu'ah     / Friday
Yaumus Sabt / Saturday
Each new day at the Islamic Calendar begin at the sun set while the Gregorian Calendar at the midnight.