Calendar Definition

There is several definition for calendar. Oxford Dictionary explain several definition for calendar. Those are;
1. Calendar is a chart showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year
2. A device that can be adjusted to show the date each day
3. A list of dates or events of a particular type
4. A system by wich time is divided into fixed periods, showing the begining and end of a year.
In the other hand, Micosoft Encarta Dictionaries also explain several devinition for a calendar. Those are;
1. Calendar is a chart of year.
The chart showing the days and months of the year, espesially a particular year.
2. System of calculating year
It means that calendar is a system of calculating the days and months of the year and when the year begins an ends.
3. Calendar is Schedule
Calendar is a schedule of events, usually covering a period of a year.
4. Calendar is List
Calendar also define as an official list of things to be done or considered.
By those definition we can conclude that common calendar definition is a system of measuring time that divided into days, weeks, months and year.