2011 calendar holidays

Are you looking for the 2011 calendar holidays? If so, congratulations, you have found the list of 2011 federal holidays.

January 1st: New Year's Day
January 17th: Martin Luther King, Jr.

February 2nd: Groundhog Day
February 12th: Lincoln's Birthday
February 21st: President's Day
February 22nd: Washington's Birthday

March 17th: St. Patrick's Day

April 1st:  April Fool's Day
April 3st: Daylight Savings Time Begins

May 8th: Mother's Day
May 21st: Armed Forces Day
May 30th: Memorial Day (Observed)

June 14th: Flag Day
June 19th: Father's Day

July 4th: Independence Day

September 5th: Labor Day

October 10th: Columbus Day (Observed)
October 30th: Daylight Saving Time Ends
October 31st: Halloween

November 8th: Election Day
November 11st: Veterans Day
November 24th: Thanksgiving

December 25th: Christmas
December 31st: New Year's Eve

I hope the list of 2011 calendar holidays above can help you.